Saturday, April 15, 2006

Weekly Tarot - 04/15-21: Art

Voyager Tarot
Major Arcana IV - Art

In traditional tarot, this card is known as Temperence, which has a lot to do with the alchemy of creation. This has always been the most challenging card in the tarot to me. Voyager is my favorite deck to work with.

Art is represented by the Greek goddess Athena, the patroness of the arts. You may know Athena also for her intelligence, fierce loyalty and clear vision. Art and creativity serve to remind us that we are the ultimate creative force in our own lives. Our ideas, visions, dreams, emotions are all manifest into the physical by what we do with them. The lightening strike of inspiration is present at times for us all, if we do not close our eyes at the brightness.

Sometimes it seems as though our lives are like unraveling sweaters and nothing we can do will stop the rows and stitches from coming apart. Sometimes, all we are left with is a pool of tears or the fragments of something we've held too tightly. These are the time when we can become most magical, most creative and most in charge, by taking the pieces of what was and creating them into something totally new and our own. Choosing to recognize that nothing is static in this life and that we can be constantly and actively recreating our own reality...that is the real secret to living a creative and fulfilling life.

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